The above is the spiel of text books. In real life or shall I say Retail Life the category captain is what every brand tries to project itself as and fights bitterly with retailers for that bit of extra space for a poster or dangler to be put up.
In such a scenario only the most creative brand is able to hold its own.
The test of a Category Captain is not in being able to get the most communication and shelf space rather its in being the fastest selling and most relevant communicator. Inorder to achieve this target the Brand needs to have some basic skill sets.
Leadership skills
The attributes that you look for in a good leader of men (think Obama ) are the same ones that you look for in a Category leader. e.g.
1) A leader should be able to lead through innovations, new thoughts and foresight – new product features, offers and correctly predicting the future market situations
2) A leader should work for the greater good eschewing his own – even if a Category captain does not have each and every product that forms a part of the category basket that should not stop it from thinking on behalf of the whole category
3) A leader should be able to lead his people to safety in dire times – in times of low sales, recession and other problems a Category Captain has to continue to be a good leader by working out solutions on behalf of the entire category.

J&J continues to be the most trusted brand in babycare in India and the challenge was to reinforce the leadership position of the brand while uplifting the look and feel of the entire Babycare category in modern retail. The clear diktat from the retailer was that no brand name should be visible on the communication.

By a clever usage of the brand images and colours the brand association was made apparent while the interesting and cute looking headers and side boards added an element of interest in an otherwise dull category.